Lizzy Mavrogenes | Assistant Property Manager

Lizzy Mavrogenes

Why did you decide to go into commercial real estate?

A few years ago, I decided to make a complete career change and pivoted from the golf industry into CRE. As a golfer, I thoroughly enjoyed my time giving back to the sport that has given me so much, but I wanted opportunities for growth, development, and more of a challenge. Several of my family members are in different facets of the industry, so it was a natural and somewhat familiar field to get into. I dove in head first, and never looked back!

What resources have been invaluable to you?

The most invaluable resource is the sense of community Hiffman has cultivated. Everyone is willing to help each other, no matter their workload. Hiffman ensures everyone feels welcome, important, and supported, and I think that sets us apart from other CRE firms.

Tell a story about a time you were inspired by the story or words of a woman in CRE.

When I was looking to get into CRE, there was really only one place to start – I called my friend, and now colleague, Sarah Cannella, to network and learn more about Hiffman. Throughout her tenure with the firm, Sarah has built an impressive and successful career, and she genuinely loves what she does. Nothing was more inspiring to me than hearing her story and how grateful she was to be a part of Hiffman. The trend among younger generations these days is to jump from company to company, and the fact that Sarah has been with Hiffman for 12 years spoke volumes to me. I am lucky to be on the receiving end of Sarah’s mentorship, leadership, and most importantly, friendship.

Who have been your mentors and how have they impacted you?

There are so many people at Hiffman who have helped me along the way – people who have not only become trustworthy colleagues, but also friends. No one has made a larger impact on my career at Hiffman than Ryan Schumacher and Ariadne Kerekes. Ryan exemplifies all of the traits that make Hiffman employees so special. He is patient, listens to suggestions, trusts his team, and leads by example. Ariadne is talented, reliable, ambitious, diplomatic, and never settles for anything less than her best. Both Ryan and Ariadne have taught me the distinct difference between management and leadership. Management is simply doing tasks, getting everything done to the best of your ability. Leadership is being there for your team, communicating openly and directly, making difficult decisions, and always having the best interest of your team, client, and firm at heart. I am grateful every day to get to work alongside both Ryan and Ariadne and call them friends.

What advice do you have for women pursuing a career in CRE?

1) Leverage your existing skills, and don’t be afraid to network! Networking can open doors, and provide valuable insights into a career path in the CRE world.
2) Embrace the learning curve, and be open to new experiences and challenges along the way. Recognize that every setback is an opportunity for growth and refinement.
3) Stay persistent and resilient. Adapt to change, pursue your dreams, and always be looking for ways to learn and improve.

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