May 2020
NAI Hiffman Timelines: Renovation and Reintroduction Leads to Leasing
In early 2019, Integris Ventures engaged NAI Hiffman’s Jason Wurtz and Jack Reardon in conjunction with their renovation and reintroduction of 5500 Pearl Street in Rosemont. Ownership amenitized the building with Class A features to complement the property’s abundant parking and ideal location. Jason and Jack engaged the in-house NAI Hiffman marketing team for new materials and worked with Integris Ventures to aggressively market the new and improved building. In less than a year, their efforts netted five new leases totaling over 66,000 SF.
For information, contact:
Jason Wurtz | | 630-693-0692
Jack Reardon | | 630-693-0647