When I first started at NAI Hiffman, I was a Marketing Coordinator. Soon after being here, I realized that becoming a broker was something that I wanted. The entrepreneurial aspect of it combined with the competitiveness of this industry were two things that I desired in my chosen career. I also love the ability this career gives me to genuinely help clients with all their wants and needs for their office space.

I’ve always been someone with too many passions and not enough time to fulfill them all, with one of the main ones being figure skating. Being a competitive athlete throughout my life reinforced my competitive, driven and passionate spirit. The first time I ever stepped foot in an ice rink was for my friend’s fifth birthday party. I fell in love with the ice so much that my mom could barely drag me off to sing “happy birthday.” I learned many lessons through skating that easily carried over into every aspect of life, and I’m very thankful for that. Some of these lessons include dedication, major discipline and patience, all of which help when being a broker. I also love hanging out with my family/fiance, working out and trying to convince anyone to watch some sort of environmental documentary with me.

Contact Info

T 630 389 8906


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