I fell into real estate and property management by impressing a customer with my enthusiastic personality and customer service skills when delivering a new vehicle. When I left the dealership, I was hired by a prominent RE firm, the position was a temporary repair/maintenance coordinator and I discovered I was good at dealing with issues and coordinating repairs. I loved the satisfaction that I felt when following up with a tenant who was happy they were warm again in the winter, or cool again in the summer. This started my career in Property Management and I have enjoyed it ever since. What I love most is meeting all of the tenants, vendors, colleagues and owners. Hiffman feels like home as everyone is a pleasure to work with and they treat you like family.

I am a warm weather girl; I spend most of my “off” time in the summer lying next to or in my pool. You will find me floating around, reading a good book or listening to music and spending time with friends. I have a fur baby named Coco, she is a German Shepard mix, who is my shadow, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! She was a Christmas gift to me from my husband when she was just 13 weeks old. He rescued her from a shelter in Michigan, drove there in a huge snowstorm and had to meet her and her brother at a pet store due to the snow. She was so shy and timid he drove the 3+ hours home with her laying across the back of his neck between his shoulders and the car seat! I vacation in the FL Keys as often as I can, and I love watching the sunset. My passion is cooking, I love to cook, dislike the clean-up but I do it as I go along so it is not so bad.

Contact Info

T 630 317 0706
