I started my career in real estate as a property assistant at Trammell Crow Company in 2001 and came to Hiffman in 2007 where I am currently a Senior Property Manager. I have worked with retail, office and industrial properties but I specialize in industrial property management. I also manage a number of commercial property owner’s associations.
I am a strong believer in life-long learning with an eclectic mix of interests from art to cooking, history to science, travel to nature. I spend my weekends taking day or weekend trips throughout the Great Lakes region, visiting national wildlife refuges, museums, historical sites and local festivals. My curiosity has led me to classes in flute making, dulcimer making, glass blowing and broom making. Rather than watch television, I spend my time reading, typically reading at least 365 books a year (the secret is being able to read multiple books at one time). When I go on vacation, I prefer to visit National Park Service sites as well as national forests and national wildlife refuges but will always find at least one art museum and one genuine “tourist trap” to visit on the trip. I’m not the kind of traveler that can spend all week on the beach so I usually don’t spend more than two nights in any one place. My motto when traveling is “Always stop at any historical marker you come across”.